Bring the Lab back home
To your desk
or even your couch!

Please note: Project ELLI has ended in 2020. This page will be updated no longer and is no longer a valid access point for the mentioned remote laboratories. It still functions as an example of an administrative platform to access several different remote experiments.
For more information, consider visiting to learn more about the developed remote laboratories as well as other supplemental material and teaching concepts to improve teaching and learning in engineering sciences. Under you find information about the HALO System, which is the successor of the ELL.
Welcome to the Elli Lab Library! It provides access to various virtual and remote laboratories for everyone interested in doing research online.
The virtual labs enable the researcher to interact with a fully simulated reality. The simulations allow for an execution of instructions and routines which triggers a simulated response of the analyzed system in terms of measurement data, graphics or also animated 3D models. The remote labs, on the other hand, are a tool to actually control real laboratory equipment. The input by the user is transmitted via internet and the physical change of the system can be studied and recorded. At selected points, virtual and remote labs can be combined to enhance the user’s experience.
The Lab Library was developed as part of the joint project ELLI (Excellent Teaching and Learning in Engineering Science) between the RWTH Aachen, the TU Dortmund and the Ruhr-University Bochum. The range of virtual and remote labs at the Ruhr-University Bochum was collaboratively created by 9 chairs of the three faculties mechanical, civil and electrical engineering. The remote lab at the TU Dortmund was engineered by the Institute of Forming Technologies and Lightweight Construction and is focused on material characterization.
The entire content of the Lab Library can be used by students, teachers and everyone interested in the fields covered by the labs for preparation purposes or simply personal experience. Take a look around and science up!